Multiplayer Social Horror game set
in the Hello Neighbor universe
We’re Keepin’ it Cozy with this year's winter update

Snow, new skins, modes, quests, balancing and more are waiting under the Christmas tree!
Halloween Update 2023

Boo, everyone! Our favorite season has come, as well as
the Halloween Update for Secret Neighbor, and oh boy, do we have a bag full of
treats for you.
Summer Camp Update!

It’s time to sharpen your stealthy skills as The Secret Neighbor Summer Camp Update is here!
This Update is bringing with it more twists and turns than a forest maze: new traps and shortcuts throughout all the maps, new account and character levels, & even more. Grab your bug spray, dust off your hiking boots, and let's take a peek at what's in store for you.
The Paranormal Update

Introducing: The Ghost Neighbor! His abilities include a spectral ghost transformation capable of flight and phasing through walls, and an ultimate ability that can temporarily disable every light within close proximity. Direct light keeps this apparition from transforming out of ghost form, so your flashlights are now more important than ever when trying to stay out of his ghostly grasp!
Golden apple amusement
part update

Golden Apple Amusement Park Update is live on Steam, featuring a brand new map, cosmetic emotes, new tutorial and a trophy system!
PlayStation Release
Secret Neighbor has come to PlayStation along with its updates, including all the official maps, a shop stocked with costumes, and daily quests!

Spring Update
Spring 2021 has brought us rather big updates to share with you - so let’s jump right in and unpack what we have for you today! New Daily Quests, Three New Brawl Modes, Currency, Balance changing, new Reporting System and more!

Winter Update

The snow has come to Raven Brooks! The Christmas Update brings a new map, a brand-new limited-time game mode, as well as a ton of other improvements to Secret Neighbor.
Halloween Update
Secret Neighbor is getting a major Halloween update: the new Neighbor class adds an extra layer of challenge in the game; a darker visual presentation and Halloween decorations delivers a spooky experience to the players. Alongside with that, the new major update contains a plenty of quality of life improvements as well as some new content for players to enjoy.
Whether you’re a new or experienced player, Secret Neighbor major update is sure to bring you goosebumps on this Halloween. Get ready!

Rocket Science Update
Remember how Mr. Peterson was constructing something on the third map? We're pretty sure he's finished whatever he's been up to!
Hop into your space suit and let’s launch this thing!

Summer Update
Big changes have come to the Secret Neighbor! Along with some new costumes and balance improvements, we’ve introduced Level Editor: a tool that empowers the community to create their own maps and play on them with their friends!

Easter Update

Neighbor games and easter eggs, name a more iconic duo. For the Easter Update we’ve added a brand new map, revamped the progression system, and added a special activity - Egg Hunt. And, of course, we didn’t forget about the Easter costumes!